Monday, November 30, 2015

A Dime A Dozen - Part I

   We've all seen them; trendy craft projects that have been posted, shared, pinned, snapped, uploaded and now appear in our newsfeeds 12 times in one day. They're a dime a dozen.

   Be inspired by what you're seeing out there but be sure to make it your own! Add your own creative spin! Use different media/materials to create your version of the projects you love.  Add your own quotes, passages, or slogans. Use your imagination!

   In this three-part series, I'll be sharing some of my favorite "dime-a-dozen" projects and how I chose to make them my own! Some of these will become cherished parts of our holiday season for years to come!

Part I - Snowball Fight


   Some are blessed with a white Christmas and some have never seen snow. Some have big yards, perfect for playing in the snow, and some (like us) have virtually no yard at all. Others simply love to have some good ol' fashioned fun. Do you fit the bill??? This is absolutely the project for you!

   Not only have I seen something comparable to this on virtually every social media outlet, I've even seen massed produced ones in the store. Why not spend some time making your own, along with some memories! Here's what we did:

   Wrap white yarn around 4 fingers, multiple times. 75-100 times should do it. Slip the bundle off your hand and tie securely around the middle with several knots. Give it a haircut!  I included step-by-step photos below. I am a crocheter so I always have yarn around but you could also hot glue cotton balls together to give them some weight.  I had a small blue tub left over from a 4th of July party and I used craft paint to write a cute slogan on the front.

    I made various sizes and would also like to note that I was not too particular about how perfect these looked.  If I were attaching these to one of my hats, they would be trimmed evenly and I would have used a comb to fluff them up a bit. Keep in mind that these are going to be tossed around your living room.  I considered making one yellow one as a joke but I wasn't sure the kids would be old enough to understand the humor behind that.  Maybe next year?

   The kids have been enjoying this a lot since we made it last week. Even our 9 month old tosses them around.

   It should go without saying but make sure these are large enough so they aren't a choking hazard. They can shed a little, also, so pay close attention to little ones while they play! Better yet, play right along WITH them!


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