Tuesday, November 29, 2016

25 Days of Christmas Update

So, do you remember my "25 Days of Christmas" post?  I packaged up all of these activities to do with the kids over November and December.  I had intended that the kids would choose a package every few days but... We have been SO SICK!  Good health is one of those blessings that is very easily taken for granted, in my opinion.  I'm thankful things appear to be on the up-swing for us!

As I looked at that basket FULL of activities this morning, I realized there was NO WAY we would make it through all of them by Christmas. So... I'm planing a "Project-Palooza" for this afternoon and I'm a little scared.

I opened 10 packages and set them all out at the dining room table.  If things go well, I stashed another (slightly more involved) project away, too.

I'll post short updates and ideas with simple instructions, including photos! Expect to hear more from me over the course of this week and into the next.

Wish me Godspeed, people.  All joking aside, I'm looking forward to a really special day with my kids and all the new memories we will create.  That's really what days like today are all about.


Yes, that's a bottle of wine next to the glitter glue. Yes, I need to iron my table cloth.